Akarain fivem菜鸟 高级用户 认证用户 黄金 8.00 黄金 2024/07/19 #3 VanZeng 说: 用老版的不就好了 点击展开... 具体怎么操作嘞,好像需要搞websocket这些
VanZeng 曾凡 论坛元老 高级用户 认证用户 黄金 33.00 黄金 2024/07/19 #5 Release Plugin v1.2.5 | Script v1.3.3 · Itokoyamato/TokoVOIP_TS3 The script and plugin updates are separate, one does not depend on the other. Script v1.3.3: Merge PR #20: code cleaning and small optimizations Fix empty channels not getting removed Load playerL... github.com
Release Plugin v1.2.5 | Script v1.3.3 · Itokoyamato/TokoVOIP_TS3 The script and plugin updates are separate, one does not depend on the other. Script v1.3.3: Merge PR #20: code cleaning and small optimizations Fix empty channels not getting removed Load playerL... github.com