
求助 聊天窗问题

买了Codem - Chat聊天插件,我安装后,我仍然可以不用输入相关指令来聊天,依旧直接打字直接发出去, 我看他的文档说删除原来的chat,我删除后,打不开聊天窗了,按T或者空格都没显示,咋办呢大哥们。


感谢哥回复,但server.cfg里填入启动项了, 原本的chat不删除,玩家直接可以发送聊天信息,不用输入什么/occ /lsped一些指令了, 删除了话 就没聊天窗口了????
Config.EnableOOCCommand = true
Config = {}
Config.Framework = "esx" -- esx, newqb, oldqb
Config.NewESX = true
-- Check full list https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html
Config.Emojis = {
[":D"] = "1F603",
[":)"] = "1F604 ",
[":("] = "1F625 ",
[";)"] = "1F609",
["<3"] = "2764",
[":/"] = "1F610",
[":P"] = "1F92A",
[":["] = "1F621",
[":(("] = "1F97A",
["B)"] = "1F60E",
["o.O"] = "1F910",
["ok"] = "1F44D",
Config.GetFrameWork = function()
local object = nil
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
while object == nil do
if Config.NewESX then
object = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()
TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj)object = obj end)
if Config.Framework == "newqb" then
object = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()
if Config.Framework == "oldqb" then
while object == nil do
TriggerEvent('QBCore:GetObject', function(obj) object = obj end)
return object
Config.PresetChatThemes = {
ooc = {
bgColor = "background: rgb(164,245,255);background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(164,245,255,0.43) 0%, rgba(0,51,75,1) 100%);",
authorPrefixColor = "#00e3fe",
enableProximity = true, --[[if this set to true ONESYNC REQUIRED]] -- if you set this true only players near message owner will see the message if false everyone in the game will see the message
distance = 50.0, --[[ONESYNC REQUIRED]] -- to set distance you need to set enableProximity true
useAuthorPrefix = true,
eventName = "codem-chat:SendOOCMessage",
leftBottomCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/OOC-LEFT.png",
rightTopCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/OOC-RIGHT.png",
headerSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/OOC.png",
ems = {
bgColor = "background: rgb(255,164,190);background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,164,190,0.43) 0%, rgba(126,55,57,1) 100%);",
authorPrefixColor = "#e2123e",
useAuthorPrefix = true,
chatBetweenJobs = false, -- if you set this to false everyone will see the message if true only players with ambulance job will see the message
eventName = "codem-chat:SendEMSMessage",
leftBottomCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/EMS-LEFT.png",
rightTopCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/EMS-RIGHT.png",
logoSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/EMS-LOGO.png",
headerSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/EMS.png",
lspd = {
bgColor = "background: rgb(19,31,185);background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(19,31,185,0.43) 0%, rgba(126,55,55,1) 100%);",
authorPrefixColor = "#a4b2f1",
chatBetweenJobs = false, -- if you set this to false everyone will see the message if true only players with police job will see the message
useAuthorPrefix = true,
eventName = "codem-chat:SendLSPDMessage",
leftBottomCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/LSPD-LEFT.png",
rightTopCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/LSPD-RIGHT.png",
logoSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/LSPD-LOGO.png",
headerSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/LSPD.png",
twt = {
bgColor = "background: rgb(29,155,240);background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(29,155,240,0.43) 0%, rgba(136,197,238,1) 100%);",
authorPrefixColor = "#0b4771",
useAuthorPrefix = true,
eventName = "codem-chat:SendTWTMessage",
leftBottomCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/Twitter-LEFT.png",
rightTopCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/Twitter-RIGHT.png",
logoSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/Twitter-LOGO.png",
headerSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/Twitter.png",
lscustom = {
bgColor = "background: rgb(164,170,255);background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(164,170,255,0.43) 0%, rgba(66,1,103,1) 100%);",
authorPrefixColor = "rgb(164,170,255)",
useAuthorPrefix = true,
eventName = "codem-chat:SendLSCustomMessage",
leftBottomCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/LSCustoms-LEFT.png",
rightTopCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/LSCustoms-RIGHT.png",
logoSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/LSCustoms-LOGO.png",
headerSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/LSCustoms.png",
yellowpages = {
bgColor = "background: rgb(175,185,19);background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(175,185,19,0.43) 0%, rgba(103,83,1,1) 100%);",
authorPrefixColor = "#ecba07",
useAuthorPrefix = true,
eventName = "codem-chat:SendYellowPagesMessage",
leftBottomCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/YellowPages-LEFT.png",
rightTopCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/YellowPages-RIGHT.png",
logoSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/YellowPages-LOGO.png",
headerSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/YellowPages.png",
staff = {
bgColor = "background: rgb(164,255,207);background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(164,255,207,0.43) 0%, rgba(1,103,54,1) 100%);",
authorPrefixColor = "#64e265",
useAuthorPrefix = true,
eventName = "codem-chat:SendStaffMessage",
chatBetweenAdmins = true, -- if you set this to false everyone will see the message if true only admins will see
leftBottomCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/STAFF-LEFT.png",
rightTopCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/STAFF-RIGHT.png",
logoSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/STAFF-LOGO.png",
headerSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/STAFF.png",
admin = {
bgColor = "background: rgb(255,164,164); background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,164,164,0.43) 0%, rgba(103,1,1,1) 100%);",
authorPrefixColor = "#d50504",
useAuthorPrefix = true,
chatBetweenAdmins = true, -- if you set this to false everyone will see the message if true only admins will see
eventName = "codem-chat:SendAdminMessage",
leftBottomCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/ADMIN-LEFT.png",
rightTopCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/ADMIN-RIGHT.png",
logoSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/ADMIN-LOGO.png",
headerSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/ADMIN.png",
shop = {
bgColor = "background: rgb(203,255,164);background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(203,255,164,0.43) 0%, rgba(255,0,0,0.2091211484593838) 51%, rgba(178,81,10,1) 100%);",
authorPrefixColor = "rgb(203,255,164)",
useAuthorPrefix = true,
eventName = "codem-chat:SendShopMessage",
leftBottomCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/7Market-LEFT.png",
rightTopCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/7Market-RIGHT.png",
logoSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/7Market-LOGO.png",
headerSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/7Market.png",
cab = {
bgColor = "background: rgb(255,224,164); background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(255,224,164,0.43) 0%, rgba(103,83,1,1) 100%);",
useAuthorPrefix = true,
authorPrefixColor = "#db9c07",
eventName = "codem-chat:SendCabMessage",
leftBottomCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/DowntownCab-LEFT.png",
rightTopCurvedSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/DowntownCab-RIGHT.png",
logoSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/Downtown-Cab-LOGO.png",
headerSrc = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/8Hb4twhFSbaNdR27bPGV4/Downtown-Cab.png",
Config.EnableCommands = { -- Enable or disable chat themes
enableOOC = true,
enableEMS = true,
enableLSPD = true,
enableTWT = true,
enableLSCUSTOM = true,
enableYELLOWPAGES = true,
enableSTAFF = true,
enableADMIN = true,
enableSHOP = true,
enableCAB = true,
Config.UseRoleplayNames = {
ooc = true,
ems = true,
lspd = true,
twt = true,
yellowpages = true,
staff = false,
admin = false,
shop = true,
lsCustom = true,
cab = true
Config.CommandJobs = {
ems = {"ems", "ambulance"},
lspd = {"police"},
lscustom = {"mechanic"},
shop = {"shop"},
cab = {"taxi"},
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
Config.StaffPermissions = {
Config.StaffPermissions = {
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
Config.AdminPermissions = {
Config.AdminPermissions = {
Config.CommandsPrefix = {
ooc = "ooc",
ems = "ems",
lspd = "lspd",
twt = "twt",
lscustom = "lscustom",
yellowpages = "yellowpages",
staff = "staff",
admin = "adminchat",
shop = "shop",
cab = "taxi",
Config.EnableDotOverHead = true -- if true enable "..." over player head when typing to chat
Config.DotText = 'dot' -- dot or any text you want
Config.DotScale = 0.8
Config.DotOffset = {x = 0.37, y = 0.0, z = 0.0} -- Useful if you want to move text overhead somewhere else
Config.Dot1Color = {r = 247, g = 26, b = 112} -- dot color when there is just one . is displaying
Config.Dot2Color = {r = 19, g = 255, b = 237} -- dot color when there are two .. are displaying
Config.Dot3Color = {r = 255, g = 140, b = 0} -- dot color when there are three ... are displaying
Config.CustomDotTextColor = {r = 255, g = 140, b = 0} -- Dot color if Config.DotText is set to other than 'dot'
Config.EnableCustomThemes = true -- Enable or disable custom themes
Config.CustomThemes = { -- Use this if you want to create custom themes
enable = true,
commandName = "test", -- /test
UseRoleplayNames = true, -- if you set this to true it will use roleplay names if false it will use steam names
job = false, -- if you set this to false everyone will see the message if jobname only players job will see the message e.g {"police"}
chatBetweenAdmins = false, -- if you set this to true only admins will see the message if false everyone will see the message (this will work if you set job to false)
useAuthorPrefix = true, -- if you set this to true it will display author prefix if false it will not display author prefix
bgColor = "background: rgb(164,255,207);background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(164,255,207,0.43) 0%, rgba(1,103,54,1) 100%);",
authorPrefixColor = "#64e265",
eventName = "codem-chat:TestCustomTheme" ,
leftBottomCurvedSrc = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/452410479797862400/953421320996151306/Sol-Alt.png", -- Leave this blank if you don't want to display this
rightTopCurvedSrc = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/452410479797862400/953421320723513364/Sag-Ust.png", -- Leave this blank if you don't want to display this
logoSrc = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/452410479797862400/953421320366993438/logo.png", -- Leave this blank if you don't want to display a logo
headerSrc = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1168075333782745108/1168674965936160810/STAFF.png", -- Leave this blank if you don't want to display a header