esx:getSharedObject Deprecation
Hello! This Event has been in ESX for around 5 years and should no longer be used since we now have way better ways to import the ESX object into your script!
The import can be used by simply adding this into the :fxmanifest.lua
shared_script '@es_extended/imports.lua'
The import is the
best and recommended way to use ESX within a script, this is because it will automatically sync data between ESX and the script, meaing the script will have automatic knowlege of ESX.PlayerData aswell as if you are loaded in aswell as the ability to detect when you are Relogging and/or switching characters, meaning no vulnerable events needed, to having to grab the entire playerdata table every time you want to use it, its just there, and working and amazing.
The Export can be simply used by doing:
ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
This Is great if your working on a multi-framework script so that the user does not have to change anything to switch between the frameworks. It Also has the benifit of not requiring you to wait into it has recived the object and prevents Race conditions.
We will show how exactly this is done in the following example. I don't recommend this script to anyone, but we'll show it anyway.
We will demonstrate this on the deprecated
First, we will show the
recommended and most advantageous method, the import method.
Delete lines and -> from the file.132833client/main.lua
ESX = nil
while ESX == nil do
TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)
Subsequently, we will also remove the lines and from the .13server/main.lua
ESX = nil
TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)
We then
import the es_extended tables into the resource. This Can be done by adding the follow line into the or the :fxmanifest.lua__resource.lua
shared_script '@es_extended/imports.lua'
As the second and last option, we will show the export method. We will again delete the same lines from the client and server file as the method above.import
However, unlike the import, we now export the ESX table into our resource. We add this export to the very beginning of the and the .client/main.luaserver/main.lua
ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()