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[FREE] World Prop Reduction | Improve FPS
This resource has two distinct features: Vanilla Unicorn Optimization: This part of the resource specifically focuses on relocating approximately 800-1000 props from the area around Vanilla Unicorn to an out-of-bounds section of the map, helping to reduce prop load in that location. These...

这部分资源特别侧重于将大约 800-1000 个道具从 Vanilla Unicorn 周围的区域重新定位到地图的界外部分,以帮助减少该位置的道具负载。这些道具在街景或俯视图中大多不可见,除非您主动寻找它们,否则它们会被移动以提高性能,而不会产生明显的视觉变化。随着这部分项目的进展,未来的更新将包括 Vanilla Unicorn 区域中流行自定义地图的兼容版本。不再有垃圾更新:
此次更新超越了原版独角兽的改动,彻底移除了整个 GTA 世界中所有不必要的垃圾几何图形和垃圾堆实例。此次更新针对的是那些使地图杂乱但从街景中通常看不见的垃圾道具,从而减轻了资源加载的压力并提高了性能。虽然这些道具每个可能只包含大约 325 个多边形,但它们的庞大体积可能会造成性能问题,尤其是对于资源有限的玩家而言。此外,其他独立资源的功能类似,例如:
- en_no_more_news_dispenser:从游戏世界中删除所有新闻分配器。
- en_no_more_parking_meters:从游戏中删除所有停车收费表。
- en_no_more_phone_boxs:从地图上消除所有电话亭。
GitHub - Mercy-Public/en_southside_reducedprops: Suggested by levlevlev: This resource is designed to minimize the number of props loaded in the Vanilla Unicorn area, reducing the client's load for smoother performance.
Suggested by levlevlev: This resource is designed to minimize the number of props loaded in the Vanilla Unicorn area, reducing the client's load for smoother performance. - GitHub - Mercy-Publ...