Esx Legacy Stress
Hey guys i was looking for a good stress system for esx legacy and couldnt find anything, all the old ones dont run on legacy and the esx_basicneeds has changed with legacy so its hard to implement it. I edited “Utku_stress” to run on legacy, removed the bugs/unwanted exports, got a new client...forum.cfx.re
[RELEASE] Stress System with basicneeds
Hey, I wanted to release the stress system which I have also used with my representer. The stress system causes the character to get into stress and the screen to get shaken as some certain processes which also you can determine are done. Similarly It is a system that enables getting rid of the...forum.cfx.re
[FREE][ESX/QB] Envi-Yoga - (Placeable Yoga Mats and Stress Relief)
Envi-Yoga is a simple FiveM resource designed to allow players to relieve stress in a more clean and healthy way! Compatible with ox_target, qtarget and qb-target! Supports ESX and QB! Enjoy! PREVIEW: DOWNLOAD:forum.cfx.re
您好有QB的压力系统不 我想让玩家开车过快增加压力![]()
Esx Legacy Stress
Hey guys i was looking for a good stress system for esx legacy and couldnt find anything, all the old ones dont run on legacy and the esx_basicneeds has changed with legacy so its hard to implement it. I edited “Utku_stress” to run on legacy, removed the bugs/unwanted exports, got a new client...forum.cfx.re
[RELEASE] Stress System with basicneeds
Hey, I wanted to release the stress system which I have also used with my representer. The stress system causes the character to get into stress and the screen to get shaken as some certain processes which also you can determine are done. Similarly It is a system that enables getting rid of the...forum.cfx.re
[FREE][ESX/QB] Envi-Yoga - (Placeable Yoga Mats and Stress Relief)
Envi-Yoga is a simple FiveM resource designed to allow players to relieve stress in a more clean and healthy way! Compatible with ox_target, qtarget and qb-target! Supports ESX and QB! Enjoy! PREVIEW: DOWNLOAD:forum.cfx.re
您好有QB的压力系统不 我想让玩家开车过快增加压力
CreateThread(function() -- Speeding
while true do
if LocalPlayer.state.isLoggedIn then
local ped = PlayerPedId()
if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then
local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
local vehClass = GetVehicleClass(veh)
local speed = GetEntitySpeed(veh) * speedMultiplier
if vehClass ~= 13 and vehClass ~= 14 and vehClass ~= 15 and vehClass ~= 16 and vehClass ~= 21 then
local stressSpeed
if vehClass == 8 then
stressSpeed = config.MinimumSpeed
stressSpeed = seatbeltOn and config.MinimumSpeed or config.MinimumSpeedUnbuckled
if speed >= stressSpeed then
TriggerServerEvent('hud:server:GainStress', math.random(1, 3))
我目前用的是mHud 但是现在无论是开枪还是开车都没有压力不会增加如果你使用的qb-hud,就在client.lua中找这段代码,里边就是对速度进行判断然后获得压力的,你可以根据自己的想法改一下,不会就找个人帮你改,没有太复杂。Lua:CreateThread(function() -- Speeding while true do if LocalPlayer.state.isLoggedIn then local ped = PlayerPedId() if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false) local vehClass = GetVehicleClass(veh) local speed = GetEntitySpeed(veh) * speedMultiplier if vehClass ~= 13 and vehClass ~= 14 and vehClass ~= 15 and vehClass ~= 16 and vehClass ~= 21 then local stressSpeed if vehClass == 8 then stressSpeed = config.MinimumSpeed else stressSpeed = seatbeltOn and config.MinimumSpeed or config.MinimumSpeedUnbuckled end if speed >= stressSpeed then TriggerServerEvent('hud:server:GainStress', math.random(1, 3)) end end end end Wait(10000) end end)
那你还真的得问问人家的客服,除了检查配置文件没有相关配置之外,只能问他们找解决方案了。我目前用的是mHud 但是现在无论是开枪还是开车都没有压力不会增加
找找IamDiWang试试,让他给你看看或者帮你汉化,可能会花点小钱,但是省时间。不过具体还得看你自己的想法唉 联系不上客服了!人家不管这些事情,那你能给我推荐一个qb-hud吗有汉化的更好谢谢![]()