- 黄金
- 458.66 黄金

Basic Level System
I created this system so I could use it on my server, but as it’s basic I decided to make it available to the public as well. Basic explanation: The player will start with level 0 and 0 respect. Every 1 hour the player will receive 1 respect (you can change this in config.lua) and when they...

玩家的初始等级为 0,尊重度为 0。每 1 小时,玩家将获得 1 个尊重度(您可以在 config.lua 中更改此值),当他们达到总尊重度(在本例中为 0 级和 10 个尊重度)时,他们将升至 1 级并获得奖励(您可以在 config.lua 中选择此值)。
非常基本的系统,我将在未来进行更新,例如添加 QBcore 和更多通知