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SG Ice Boxes [Free Prop]
SG Ice Boxes This is a free prop release by me, It includes 2 variants, 1 clean, 1 dirty, yes i know there is already one in stock files, Important Notice: Prop Usage Policy These props are freely available for use in your FiveM servers. However, they are strictly not to be included in...

SG 冰盒
这是我免费发布的道具,它包括 2 个变体,1 个干净的,1 个脏的,是的,我知道库存文件中已经有一个,

这些道具可免费用于您的 FiveM 服务器。但是,它们严禁包含在任何付费资源中或以任何方式用于盈利。请尊重此政策并确保这些道具仅用于非商业目的。感谢您的理解与合作,使这一社区资源能够免费供所有人使用。
SG Ice Boxes.zip (596.7 KB)