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[FREE] BS_MilGoggles: Night Vision, Thermal Vision, and More!
🎥 Preview: 🔗 GitHub: Download via github BS_MilGoggles by Beta Scripts lets you seamlessly integrate military goggles into your server. Customize key bindings for toggling night and heat vision, and easily add clothing items to the config, converting them into functional...
GitHub:通过 github 下载
Beta Scripts 的BS_MilGoggles可让您将军用护目镜无缝集成到您的服务器中。自定义按键绑定以切换夜视和热视,并轻松将服装物品添加到配置中,将其转换为实用的军用护目镜。非常适合创造身临其境的战术游戏体验。