Yann 站长 管理成员 GTAOS管理组 认证用户本 月 名 人 榜 最 佳 黄金 383.66 黄金 2024/08/22 #2 DISABLE_CONTROL_ACTION [Control values and meaning](https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/#controls) Example: `CONTROLS::DISABLE_CONTROL_ACTION(2, 19, true)` disables the switching UI from appearing both whe docs.fivem.net 任何客户端脚本插入 Lua: Citizen.CreateThread(function() Citizen.Wait(0) DisableControlAction(0, 36, true) end) 最后编辑: 2024/08/22
DISABLE_CONTROL_ACTION [Control values and meaning](https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/#controls) Example: `CONTROLS::DISABLE_CONTROL_ACTION(2, 19, true)` disables the switching UI from appearing both whe docs.fivem.net 任何客户端脚本插入 Lua: Citizen.CreateThread(function() Citizen.Wait(0) DisableControlAction(0, 36, true) end)