- 黄金
- 12.00G
Introducing the newest FiveM script by BKing Development: Fire Pole.
This script revolutionises your roleplay within your fire stations, allowing you to finally slide down your fire poles for free!
We include a very simple configuration file that allows you to get going with your script within minutes, all you need to do is change the coordinates for your pole and you are good to go!You can change the speed, language, and the distance you need to be to get onto the pole. If you want to change anything else, either do it yourself or get in contact with us via our Discord.
How many? Multiple!
You can add as many poles as you want within this script. You can even add multiple places to get onto one pole, if it spans over multiple floors!介绍最新的 FiveM BKing Development 的脚本:火柱。
我们包含一个非常简单的配置文件,可让您在几分钟内开始使用脚本,您需要做的就是更改杆的坐标,然后就可以开始了!您可以更改速度、语言和到达杆子所需的距离。如果您想更改任何其他内容,请自己动手或通过我们的 Discord 与我们联系。