IamDiWang 活跃的用户 论坛元老 高级用户 认证用户 黄金 120.17 黄金 2025/03/03 #2 GitHub - Natezuni/FiveM_Remove-Weapon-Melee: Removes melee when shooting a gun near someone. Removes melee when shooting a gun near someone. . Contribute to Natezuni/FiveM_Remove-Weapon-Melee development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com
GitHub - Natezuni/FiveM_Remove-Weapon-Melee: Removes melee when shooting a gun near someone. Removes melee when shooting a gun near someone. . Contribute to Natezuni/FiveM_Remove-Weapon-Melee development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com
L LazyCat3120 用户 认证用户 黄金 48.26 黄金 2025/03/03 #3 IamDiWang 说: GitHub - Natezuni/FiveM_Remove-Weapon-Melee: Removes melee when shooting a gun near someone. Removes melee when shooting a gun near someone. . Contribute to Natezuni/FiveM_Remove-Weapon-Melee development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com 点击展开... 感谢大佬!
IamDiWang 说: GitHub - Natezuni/FiveM_Remove-Weapon-Melee: Removes melee when shooting a gun near someone. Removes melee when shooting a gun near someone. . Contribute to Natezuni/FiveM_Remove-Weapon-Melee development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com 点击展开... 感谢大佬!
rpm9000 Womans from your city for night 高级用户 认证用户 黄金 72.48 黄金 2025/03/04 #4 -- 禁用R键近战 Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) -- 禁用近战攻击 DisableControlAction(0, 140, true) end end)
-- 禁用R键近战 Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) -- 禁用近战攻击 DisableControlAction(0, 140, true) end end)
L LazyCat3120 用户 认证用户 黄金 48.26 黄金 2025/03/05 #5 rpm9000 说: -- 禁用R键近战 Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) -- 禁用近战攻击 DisableControlAction(0, 140, true) end end) 点击展开... 感谢大佬!!! rpm9000 说: -- 禁用R键近战 Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) -- 禁用近战攻击 DisableControlAction(0, 140, true) end end) 点击展开... 大佬可以弱弱问一下这个在哪改嘛(
rpm9000 说: -- 禁用R键近战 Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) -- 禁用近战攻击 DisableControlAction(0, 140, true) end end) 点击展开... 感谢大佬!!! rpm9000 说: -- 禁用R键近战 Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) -- 禁用近战攻击 DisableControlAction(0, 140, true) end end) 点击展开... 大佬可以弱弱问一下这个在哪改嘛(
rpm9000 Womans from your city for night 高级用户 认证用户 黄金 72.48 黄金 星期四,00:31 #6 LazyCat3120 说: LazyCat3120 说: 感谢大佬!!! 大佬可以弱弱问一下这个在哪改嘛( 点击展开... 创建.lua 点击展开...