type = "surgeon",
coords = vector4(1693.2, 4828.11, 42.07, 188.66),
size = vector3(4, 4, 4),
rotation = 45,
usePoly = false, -- false => uses the size + rotation to create the zone | true => uses points to create the zone
showBlip = true, -- overrides the blip visibilty configured above for the group
--targetModel = "s_m_m_doctor_01", -- overrides the target ped configured for the group
--targetScenario = "" -- overrides the target scenario configure for the group
points = {
vector3(1686.9018554688, 4829.8330078125, 42.07),
vector3(1698.8566894531, 4831.4604492188, 42.07),
vector3(1700.2448730469, 4817.7734375, 42.07),
vector3(1688.3682861328, 4816.2954101562, 42.07)