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QBCore Combine Marked Bills
Hello! While this feature is baked into some resources, I got tired of the ones that didn’t offer it leaving behind stacks of marked bills that filled up players’ inventories. Drag this into your QB folder and use /combinebills to combine the worth metadata of all markedbills in a player’s...

将其拖到您的 QB 文件夹中并使用 /combinebills 合并玩家库存中所有标记账单的价值元数据。
GitHub - DaveLovesGames/qb-combinebills: A simple script that allows you to combine all markedbills in your inventory into 1 item with the combined value of all separate stacks.
A simple script that allows you to combine all markedbills in your inventory into 1 item with the combined value of all separate stacks. - DaveLovesGames/qb-combinebills