[ESX] [OX] [FREE] OS_GIVEKEYS - Re-sell your car to players
💸 OS_GIVEKEYS 👥 Download: [GitHub] Sell your car to other players Featuring: 🪵 Discord Logging to monitor activity. 💵 Custom Prices for a user-friendly experience. 🎛 Easy configurable to adjust it to your server. 🚘 JobsCreator Supported for a wider range of compatibility JobsCreator...
下载:[ GitHub ]将您的汽车出售给其他玩家
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'de' -- de, en, es, fr, at
Config.JobsCreator = true -- Enable if you want people be able to sell cars from JobCreator permanent garages
-- Item
Config.useItem = true -- Player requires to have item in inventory to be able to sell their car
Config.Item = "kaufvertrag" -- Item name >> E.g "contract"
-- Logging
Config.DiscordLogging = true -- Enable discord logging?
Config.WebHook = "" -- Webhook URL
Locales = Locales or {}
Locales ['en'] = {
-- General Translation
['missingPassenger'] = 'No passenger detected', -- No passenger
['vehicleNotOwned'] = 'This vehicle does not belong to you', -- Vehicle not owned
['notDriver'] = 'You must be in the driver seat', -- Not on driver seat
['notInsideVehicle'] = 'You are not inside a vehicle', -- Not in vehicle
['keysReceived'] = 'You have received the car keys', -- Keys received
['keysGiven'] = 'You have given the keys to ID %s', -- Keys transferred
['failed'] = 'Something went wrong', -- Something went wrong
['noContract'] = 'You don\'t have a sales contract', -- No contractor item
-- Alert Dialog (Car Buyer)
['confirmTransfer'] = "Confirm transfer", -- Title of Alert Dialog
['aboutToBuy'] = "You are about to buy the car for $%d. Do you want to proceed?", -- Confirmation text of Alert Dialog
['transferCancelled'] = "Transfer cancelled", -- User pressed ESC or Decline
-- Input Dialog (Car Seller)
['title'] = "Transfer car keys", -- Title of Input Dialog
['label'] = "Enter price", -- Label of number input
['labelDescription'] = "Car price", -- Description of number input
['invalidInput'] = "Invalid input", -- Invalid number input
['invalidPrice'] = "You don\'t have enough money", -- Invalid price
-- Discord Webhook-Logging
['WebhookName'] = 'Name', -- Discord Webhook Name
['EmbedTitle'] = 'Car Sale', -- Title of log
['Footer'] = 'Footer', -- Footer of log
['logFailedTransfer'] = 'Player %s (ID %i) just tried to transfer car keys but no passenger was detected.', -- No passenger
['logCarTransfer'] = 'Player %s (ID %i) just transferred car keys to player %s (ID %i) for $%i.', -- Transfered to .. for .$
['logCarNotOwned'] = 'Player %s (ID %i) just tried to transfer car keys but the vehicle didn\'t belong to them.', -- Vehicle not owned
['logNotDriver'] = 'Player %s (ID %i) just tried to transfer car keys but they weren\'t in the driver\'s seat.', -- Not on driver side
['logNotEnoughMoney'] = 'Player %s (ID %i) just tried to receive car keys but they didn\'t have enough money.' -- Not enough money to buy