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DrugFieldManager - ESX - FREE 🐼
Hello everyone, 🐼 Here is a resource that allows you to create drug fields (or other types) within a defined zone (using ox_zone) and interact with ox_target for harvesting. 🌿 Why is this different from other harvesting scripts? 🌿 With this resource, you have the ability to configure multiple...
这是一种资源,允许您在定义的区域内(使用 ox_zone)创建药物田(或其他类型)并与 ox_target 交互进行收获。
Config.Fields = {
name = “Weed Field”,
itemsneed = 'secateur', – Item pour la recolte
coords = vector3(2832.434, -1417.144, 10.336),
size = vector3(10.0, 10.0, 5.0),
prop = “prop_weed_01”,
propCount = 10,
items = {
{ name = “tete_lemon”, amountMin = 1, amountMax = 3 }
maxItems = 285,
resetInterval = 1080 – 分钟
– 更多内容请见此处
Config.DebugPolyZones = false – 为 débogage 附加多边形区域
GitHub - Edmondio/DrugFieldManager: DrugFieldManager is a specialized FiveM resource designed to dynamically manage drug fields on your RP server. This resource allows you to create interactive zones where players can grow drugs, manage available sto
DrugFieldManager is a specialized FiveM resource designed to dynamically manage drug fields on your RP server. This resource allows you to create interactive zones where players can grow drugs, man...