- 黄金
- 458.66 黄金

[FREE] [PROPS] Small Coffee Cup Prop Pack
This prop pack is small, and super simple. Adds 3 coffee cup props (scaled properly for mp male and mp female hands). Collision material is plastic (like how a cup should be). Props are optimized and hopefully someone can find a use for them! Enjoy the release! Download: kd_coffeecups.zip...

这个道具包很小,而且非常简单。添加了 3 个咖啡杯道具(按比例适当缩放,适合 mp 男性和 mp 女性的手)。碰撞材料是塑料(就像杯子应该的那样)。道具经过优化,希望有人能找到它们的用途!享受发布吧!
下载: kd_coffeecups.zip (392.4 KB)