IamDiWang 活跃的用户 论坛元老 高级用户 认证用户 黄金 96.17 黄金 2024/06/03 #3 fanbai 说: 解决了.. 点击展开... 解决的话最好是附上解决办法方便遇到相同问题的人参考
繁白⚒️ 用户 认证用户 黄金 0.00 黄金 2024/06/03 #4 IamDiWang 说: 解决的话最好是附上解决办法方便遇到相同问题的人参考 点击展开... 可以看一下这个 Luxury Auto Base IPL · Issue #108 · Bob74/bob74_ipl First of all Did you try disabling bob74_ipl to see if the issue is still there? Yes Did you use the latest version of bob74_ipl ? Yes Did you use an up to date server artifact ? Yes Describe the b... github.com
IamDiWang 说: 解决的话最好是附上解决办法方便遇到相同问题的人参考 点击展开... 可以看一下这个 Luxury Auto Base IPL · Issue #108 · Bob74/bob74_ipl First of all Did you try disabling bob74_ipl to see if the issue is still there? Yes Did you use the latest version of bob74_ipl ? Yes Did you use an up to date server artifact ? Yes Describe the b... github.com